
10 css3 Tips & Tricks For Designer

10 css3 Tips & Tricks For Designer

When CSS was developed around 1995, you couldn’t do much with it other than fundamental styling of text. Indeed, even with CSS2, things improved promptly. It was not until mid 2010 that CSS2 was completely upheld by real browsers. With CSS3, the stylesheet language turned out to be substantially more capable and now we can create rich collaborations with CSS, and not simply style text. To give you a diagram and some motivation, here are ten amazing CSS3 traps.

CSS Counters

Barely any individuals know CSS counters, and you may ask, “What program underpins them at any rate?” However, CSS counters are bolstered back to Internet Explorer 8. Counters are, as you may figure, for checking components like what number of pictures there are in a display. With counters, you can show numbers underneath the things. That does not sound extremely intriguing yet, but rather did you realize that CSS counters can really supplant JavaScript in a few circumstances?

Smart Quotes

With more modern CSS you can incredibly upgrade your website’s typography, an angle that heaps of individuals ignore. For example, did you realize that the quotes you are writing in your code are really “primes” which are utilized for estimations and directions? When utilizing “q” labels in HTML for citations, you can naturally embed appropriate quotes (supposed smart quotes) prior and then afterward the quotation.

q {
quotes: ““” “””;

This is particularly valuable for multilingual websites where you need to manage a few sorts of quotes, e.g. in German, quotes resemble this: „some cite”.

q:lang(de) {
quotes: “„” ““”;

CSS Hover Effects

Most likely some of you have a portfolio where you flaunt your tasks in some sort of framework or exhibition. For lattices, a great many people utilize truly overwhelming JavaScript libraries which aren’t vital any longer since we have Flexbox. With Flexbox, you can make frameworks that work in each advanced program and don’t require JavaScript.

File Format Icons

Next up there is a trap which utilizes no exceptional highlights yet an astute blend of selectors: Just with CSS you can show a little file format symbol by download joins.


content: ” ” url(“pdficon.png”);


CSS Arrow

Another comparable CSS snippet gives you a chance to show an arrow alongside outside connections:

a[href ^= ‘http’]:not([href *= ‘yourdomain.’]) {
background: transparent url(arrow.svg) no-repeat center right;
padding-right: 16px;

CSS Circular Menu

Designing route menus that function admirably on cell phones is truly hard, and ground sirloin sandwich menus are not the best decision. Another sort is the circular menu. It’s presumably not the best answer for ordinary substance websites since it’s constrained to just a couple of things, yet for web applications it is an awesome contrasting option to selected route and ground sirloin sandwich menus.

Gooey Menu

Discussing circular menus, there is a comparable one on CodePen with a “gooey” effect finished with unadulterated CSS and SVG channels, and it looks marvelous

CSS Modals

Other than menus, there are other interface components you can make utilizing just CSS, e.g. modals. These CSS modals don’t require JavaScript, and are perfect back to Internet Explorer 8. They adjust to the screen size and look extraordinary on cell phones not at all like most “lightbox” or modular modules you discover there.

Unadulterated CSS Parallax

One of the website architecture patterns of 2015 was the parallax looking over effect. It looks incredible, however is somewhat slow some of the time, particularly on cell phones. Rather than depending on a JavaScript library, you can influence a parallax to effect with unadulterated CSS

CSS 3D Model

Every one of the traps specified here show how intense CSS has progressed toward becoming, however the last case is by a long shot the most amazing: an intelligent 3D model of the close planetary system!

It utilizes (practically) just CSS and displays completely easily. Despite the fact that this is a wonderful case of the conceivable outcomes we have with CSS, this is nothing you need to do in all actuality. For such complex representations, there are better advances like Canvas and WebGL.

Author Bio:- Sunny Chawla is a Web Developer, Editor and Contributor at AIS Technolabs – a Web-design and Development Company. Helping global businesses with unique and engaging tools for their business. He would love to share thoughts on, html5 web development, flash game development, Mobile app development, Game design development.

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