Monday 27 January 2025

4 Best Mining Practices To Observe in W. Australia

A “Best Practice” to the layman, sounds like somewhere you want to go for medical treatment! But in this case it has nothing to do with the medical profession, and all about the mining one, even though the word “treatment” does come into play.


A best practice in the world of mining means a method or technique of mining that has been broadly accepted as exceptional to any other alternatives. This is due to it producing results that are preferable to those achieved by other means on account of it becoming a standard way of doing things, e.g., a standard method of complying with legal or ethical requirements. Modern tenement management is involved in best mining practices. Let’s check out four of the best practices below:


Water is used in a whole host of applications at mine sites. By diverting surface water and pumping groundwater, mining operations can lower both the quantity and quality of water available downstream for aquatic ecosystems and other industrial and municipal water consumers, especially in regions with arid climates. In response to water famine in many mining areas, a number of innovative water conservation practices are being developed and implemented to reduce water use.


Wherever mining takes place, the land is usually cleared of all vegetation, the landscape completely altered and the ecosystem totally disturbed. If improperly managed, this can create havoc. Current rehabilitation objectives reflect the mass land use management of places like the Jarrah forest. When it comes to professional advice in W. Australia, Austwide provides tenement management, and offer a reliable and expert service to cater to all your needs. Check them out today!

Land Disruption

At the moment, mine sites disrupt a small fraction of the Earth’s total land surface for the production of minerals and metals. However, mining activities use land at all stages of the mine cycle, including exploration, construction, operation, closure, and post-closure. There are ways to lower the land-use impacts of mining. These include decreasing the overall footprint of the mining area, minimising the waste produced and stored, cultivating biodiversity by transplanting or culturing any kinds of endangered plants detected on site, and arranging for mines to be around existing infrastructure when possible.


Mine waste involves solid waste, mine water, and air particles, which vary significantly in their composition and ability for environmental adulteration. It is now generally recognized that the prevention of pollution is more economical and efficient at lowering environmental impacts than cleaning it up later on, which would negatively leave an inheritance of environmental depravity for future generations. Methods for minimisation and elimination of wastes include:

  • The Use of cleaner production methods
  • Environmental management technologies
  • Utilising waste as a raw material
  • A reduction in the amount of waste produced via process re-engineering


In the world of mining, you’ll be going down, so in this case may all your downs be ups! Good luck and prosper!
