Tuesday 18 February 2025

4 Ultimate Tips On How To Bring Your Brand Into Your Presentations

Web sites are branded. Printed brochures are also branded. But more often than not, these presentations just use odd colors whether they are default or anything else. Part of the reason is that websites are usually designed by professional web developers while presentations have to be developed by presenters who are anything but that just that.

But make no mistake— branding, when done rightly (and I believe yours is excellent) makes you connect with your customers, your employees, your partners and even competitors. If you’re wondering why branding is so much important for an organization, there is only one answer: your business needs to be distinguishable and stand out from the crowd of competitors.

This means one thing: you should be YOU, and your customers should be able to relate to YOU whenever they see YOU. This applies to anything that your company is doing whether internally or externally. In other words, bringing your brand into your presentation is the first step toward making your business be recognizable and stand out from the crowd.

Generally, here are 4 ultimate tips on how to bring the brand to your presentations:

#1: Select the appropriate type of logo

It seems obvious. Isn’t it? Your logo is one of the most iconic aspects of your brand. But unfortunately, it’s difficult to associate specific meanings and emotions to logos to make them stick into your customer’s mind.

It requires a great deal of time and experience to achieve this feat. Selecting an appropriate presentation with experience and expertise in logo design can help you connect with your customers.

#2: Select the right color palette

The coloring is a powerful tool that can help you stand out in a crowded competition. I’m sure that you know that there’s no such color as “red” because the color spectrum is infinite. This provides you with a wide array of cool colors to select from. For instance, the Facebook’s blue color helps it stand out and be recognizable.

#3: Ensure the typography is appropriate

The type of font that you select for your brand can be so iconic and help you stand out. Some brands such CNN, New York Times and FedEx have exploited the power of typography in their logos to achieve distinction.

#4: Use imagery appropriately

Are the photos you’ve used in your branding full-body shots? Or, are they close-ups of hands? Excellent imagery have styles and rich colors that make your branding tick. From landscape orientation to heavy contrasting to color filtering, imagery can play an excellent role in distinguishing your brand from competitors.

Now that you know the ultimate tips on how to bring your brand into the presentation, what are you planning to do about your brand? Get in touch with us for more information.

INK PPT is a Presentation Design Company India founded in early 2015 with a mission “To help people present better” by creating engaging & captivating presentations for the strategic needs of organizations & professionals.