Friday 24 January 2025

5 Cost-Effective Ways To Clean Your House In An Eco-Friendly Way

Cleaning a house if often a headache for most homeowners. A lot of cleaning products have chemicals that pose serious health risks and leave your house smelling like a laboratory. According to this article, people with children should rethink the type of cleaning chemicals they use. Children crawl and eat anything they find, and the last thing you want is to expose your child to dangerous chemicals that can pose serious health risks. In order to have a safe and clean house, you must go green. Here are crucial tips on how you can clean your home in an eco-friendly way.

5 Cost-Effective Ways To Clean Your House In An Eco-Friendly Way
Use an All-in-one Homemade Cleaning Product

You can combine some basic formulas to come up with less harmful alternatives for commercial cleaning products. Mix a half cup of vinegar, a quarter cup of baking soda and two liters of water to make an all-purpose cleaning agent. Use this cleaning agent to remove stains on shower panels, bathroom fixtures, toilet seats and window mirrors. Another alternative is to use a citrus-based cleaner or microfiber cloths. Microfiber cloths are absorbents that are designed to trap dust and grease. They last for many years.

Use Vinegar to Clean Floors

Vinegar is suitable for all types of floors. Before you begin, sweep the floor thoroughly. Adding vinegar to the crumbs in the floor can turn the starch in them into gluten. Gluten can create spots that are difficult to clean. Mix a quarter cup of vinegar with two liters of water and mop in sections. Allow the floor to dry for at least one hour before you begin to move around. There are wide varieties of vinegar with different smells. The most common types include orange, lemon and grapefruit vinegar. There are over 40 ways to use vinegar for cleaning.

5 Cost-Effective Ways To Clean Your House In An Eco-Friendly Way

Exchange Air

Your house should have a seamless supply of clean air. A clean air is the primary ingredient of a fresh home. It refreshes and improves the overall concentration of home occupants. It eliminates the need for commercial air fresheners. Open all the windows regularly and use fans to enhance air circulation. If it is too cold, you can open the windows for at most five minutes to allow in fresh air. Use houseplants to filter the air from toxins found in sealers and varnishes. Such plants can absorb chemicals emitted from exhaust fumes and pressed wood products such as furniture. There are several eco-friendly air purifiers on the market that are operated by solar energy.

Get Rid of Rust with Salt and Lime

Create a paste using salt and lime and use it to remove rust from items. Put some lemon juice on the affected area, add some salt on it to make a paste and leave it there for about four hours. After that, wipe out the rust with a rag. If the rust is inside a kettle, just put some lime juice and add water. Let it stay for at least 12 hours and warm it for ten minutes. This method should work for all home items affected by rust.

Disinfect Surfaces with Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is well known for its disinfecting capability. It is one of the finest natural antibiotics that kill bacteria instantly. Use 20 drops of tea tree oil and mix it with water. Using a spray bottle, apply the mix on every surface and mop it thoroughly. Ensure you cover every section of the house. Make sure you vacuum the surface to get rid of dirt at the edges. You can buy tea tree oils from local stores or Amazon.

Going eco-friendly is the safest way to clean a house, especially if you have children. These tips will help you have a clean home that is safe and fresh using cost-effective products and methodologies.