
5 Essential Things To Do Before Moving Into A New Flat

So, you have finally found yourself new home, signed the papers, and you are ready to move in. Sounds like a good opportunity to open up champagne? Sure, but keep your bottle cold for just a little bit longer. Although you have gotten the keys you are still few errands away from finally moving in. Let us see then what those errands are.

Take Care of the Pests

Maybe your new flat is infested with pests, maybe it is not – Do not wait to find the answer during some of the night visits to bathroom. Instead, use the fact that your new belonging is still empty and you have an access to otherwise obscured and inaccessible places call the pest exterminators and let them take care of the “old residents”.

Make a Fresh Start

And by fresh, we mean deep clean. Yes, no matter how hard previous ownershave tried to keep their flat clean moving in and out is usually a very rushed and chaotic process where people do not always have the privilege to pay attention to small details. Details like making sure that every corner of the flat is as clean as possible. And then, there are the pest exterminators. So, before planning any further moves check through few reliable cleaning services, find the one that suits you the best and make sure your new beginning is a fresh one.

Update Your Documents

Yes, all the documents you have carefully stockpiled once you moved in into your previous home need to be updated, and they need to be updated now while you still have enough time and you are in the “moving mood”. The more you delay this task, the more difficult it will be to get it done, and rest assured, having the dated documents can cause you a lot of problems, some of which can prove to be very nasty. So gather everything ranging from various membership cards, to your personal ID and driver license and give it an update while your flat is still being cleansed.

Get to Know the Flat

This is the last opportunity to get to know and fully inspect your flat before you move in the furniture. Use it to check flat’s security systems, find the shutoff valves and circuit breakers, check which one covers which socket, etc. Also, if the flat has been pre-owned, it should not be a bad idea to contact companies providing utility services to see if there were any previous interventions and discover some issues you may potentially deal with in the future.

Populate the Flat

And now is the time to move in the furniture. Be aware that not every piece that found its place in your previous home will fit the new one so it is never too early to start selling those piece sand buying more suitable ones. Also, keep in mind that, besides the usual suspects which always make to obligatory flat items list, you should also find a place for things like first aid kits, fire extinguishers, and similar stuff.

Finally, your new flat is ready for moving in, and we hope your new beginning will be a fortunate one. Now, where have you put that champagne?

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