Monday 27 January 2025

8 Common Ways to Prevent Snoring

Snoring is the hoarse and harsh sound that occurs when a person is asleep. This is produced by the vibration of relaxed tissues in the throat when air flows through it as you breathe. Most people snore everyone now and then, but for some, however, it can be a health problem that requires consultation with an ENT Specialist.  


There are two ways to manage snoring: non-surgical (such as lifestyle change, losing weight, use of home remedies) and surgical treatments with the use of medical devices or procedures performed by an ENT Doctor. Here are 10 of the most common ways that we can do to prevent ourselves from snoring:

Stop smoking

Smoking can make your muscles in the throat to irritate causing airway blockages that can cause snoring. Aside from that, smoking can also cause problems to your health in the long run.

Avoid drinking too much alcohol

Drinking a lot of alcohol can make your throat muscles to relax. If don’t want alcohol to be the cause of your snoring, avoid intake or do not drink alcohol 2 hours before you sleep.

Lose some weight

If you are overweight, you are much prone to snoring than a person with normal weight because the build-up of fat in your throat causes the airways to narrow down causing you to snore. Seek an advice from the best ENT specialist there is to know how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet to prevent snoring.

Avoid the use of sleeping pills

Sleeping pills, just like drinking alcohols, has the effect of relaxing muscles in a person’s tongue and throat which causes them to snore. If snoring persists, you should consult an ENT specialist to check on what alternatives you can take or to seek recommendations for other medications you can use.

Elevate your head when you sleep

This will make you reduce the pressure in the airways, helping a person to breathe smoother and prevent snoring.

Rest and have some sleep

The feeling of exhaustion and lack of rest makes your throat muscles to relax too much causing you to snore. Some of the best ENT specialists always recommend a full 8 hours of sleep to prevent snoring.

Use a snoring mouthpiece

A snoring mouthpiece or oral appliance can be used to prevent muscles in the throat and tongue to block the airways making a person avoid snoring while he/she is asleep. Check with an ENT specialist if this is ideal for you.

Treatment of allergies

Some allergic reactions cause the airways to clog and increase the chance of a person to snore when he/she sleeps. Schedule an appointment with the best ENT specialist to check what treatment you should take in order to avoid allergic attacks.

Snoring is harmless most of the time, but if neglected, it may interfere a person’s sleep, become a problem with your partner in bed, or set you up in an embarrassing situation or experience. Aside from the tips we mentioned in this article, you should always make time to consult with a doctor or ENT specialist to know what’s best for you.