Friday 03 January 2025

8 Ways You Can Use Cloud Computing In Education!

8 Ways You Can Use Cloud Computing In Education!

Cloud computing is set to redefine future business, marketing, advertising and education models. Technology has evolved to that level where it has enabled us to learn and work with better convenience and quickness than what traditional methods could have offered.

Imagine having to learn with no longer the need to carry tons of heavy paperwork and material. That is just the tip of the iceberg of what you will find with cloud-computing. To ensure that your future is in the right hands, take a gander at the following advantages that cloud computing provides for learners all over.

  1. Reduction Of Costs

In cloud-computing, students need only to log into their virtual classroom, which they can comfortably do from any location via internet access. The lessons can either be broadcasted live or recorded as most of them come in the form of webinars and podcasts.

It greatly reduces the costs of infrastructure as well as maintenance. As a bonus, students can simply replay all their webinar videos and podcasts to help with their retention.

  1. No More Expensive Textbooks

We are certain that you do not need us to tell you how expensive university-level textbooks can be. As a matter of fact, the cost of textbooks alone has greatly exceeded that of other costs, such as tuition. It diminishes the purchasing power of students, which is why they much prefer buying cloud-based textbooks instead.

Content-based textbooks are significantly less expensive than that of printed content. It helps lower-income students have access to the same kind of quality material as that of high-income students.

  1. No Need To Carry Anything

Gone are the days when you needed to store your material on CDs, thumb sticks, USBs and the likes. Cloud-computing is impervious to physical damage and will keep your data stored just the way it is.

  1. Easy Access

All you need is a simple internet connection and you will have access to all the PowerPoint slides, lesson plans, labs, grades and more. The best part is that you can do this from anywhere around the world, whether it be your own bedroom, the bathroom or an abandoned wasteland.

  1. Security

Remember those days when dogs used to eat our homework, bullies would hack into our lockers to steal our homework, or even hackers could simply mooch off of it online? Well, it’s safe to say that those days are long gone.

Because all of your data stored in the repositories of the cloud servers are tightly secured and can only be accessed by you.

  1. No More Outdated Learning Material

In the K-12 area, many of the books that students are using are not only expensive but also outdated. The average history and social studies books for the elementary grades are as old as seven or eleven years. It means that most of the material that students are learning do not apply for this day and age.

  1. Shareability

In case students have missed out on a class for whatever reason, other students can share the material with them. The same can be applied to teachers if they are collaborating on an instructional assignment with one each other. A simple click on the share button and the content is as good as their own.

  1. No Need For Expensive Hardware

Granted most of our work depends on the computer, but the learning part easily is accomplished on mobile devices. In fact, there may come a time that owning a $50 smartphone could even replace a $500 personal computer system. Students also do not need to purchase external storage devices as Google and other companies offer free cloud-based storage.

Author Bio: Joseph Carey works as an Online Teacher for Essay Star. Having spent a decade in the education field, he is now seeking assistance of online platforms to educate the students.
