Tuesday 18 February 2025

Doing The Right Job Requires Right Tools – Choose The Right Paper To Reflect The Child’s Art

We don’t use a spanner in places where we need to use a screw driver. Similarly, basics of the drawing tools should be rightly selected in order to get great results. There is wide range of paper selection based on the quality and price. Selection of the paper is as important as other material as the quality of the child’s art will get affected.

Before selecting the paper, you need to know what kind of colors and purpose the paper is made to use. The intersection between the purpose and the price has to be assessed.

Doing The Right Job Requires Right Tools - Choose The Right Paper To Reflect The Child’s Art

  • General purpose paper

The white-sulphite paper that comes in 80lb is categorized as general purpose paper. It can be used in project work, creating collage of your little ones and general drawing of any type.

  • Poster board

Generally available in large sheets, it can be cut down to a standard size or can be used as single whole piece by your child. The board size of 2×4 feet will be loved by your child as he will have all the space to put his imagination on the paper.

  • Water-color painting

In water color painting paper there are different options to choose from based on the prices. You have to select the paper, which does not spread while water-color is used. Though the water color papers are expensive, it is worth more than creating good art by your child.

  • Easel paper

If you want to see your child as professional artistic person, you can go for easel paper and children’s easel. Your kid will love to paint his mind’s eye and thoughts.

  • Big project paper

The brown construction’s paper or white butcher paper comes in large rolls and super economical. You child can just lie down and trace every object or get into family drawing fest.

  • Notepads & Sketchbook

If you are outing and looking for comfort drawing, then small notepad and sketchbook becomes handy way to make him do the creativity. Post it notes can be given to children to explore his ideas in a creative manner.

  • Stretched canvas

These are little bit expensive and does not come in paper category, but can be used for drawing. It can represent true art for kids as it looks great without frames.

Though you can feel the paper effect in all your creations, it is not necessary for you to have paper each time. There are many apps for smartphones and tabs like SketchDraw, Tayasui Sketches, Doodle to use which has range to provide same effect as you are putting it on the real papers.
