Thursday 23 January 2025

Beyond An NDA—5 Tips When Onboarding A High Security Clearance Employee

Beyond An NDA—5 Tips When Onboarding A High Security Clearance Employee

Hiring and training employees whose position may afford them access to sensitive information is not an undertaking that should be looked upon lightly. It is of tremendous importance that the vetting, screening and training processes used during onboarding be as effective as possible. Even a minor breach or other security problem could do lasting harm to your company’s image and reputation.

Beyond An NDA—5 Tips When Onboarding A High Security Clearance Employee

Maintain a Consistent Onboarding System

The onboarding process used to train and orient new hires needs to be as consistent as possible. While tailoring employee training and education for each individual professional can be of benefit, an inconsistent process increases the risk of oversights and other errors. Creating a system and then sticking to it is in the best interests of your organization.

Comprehensive Background and Security Checks

A haphazard or incomplete background check or screening can lead to all sorts of problems. When it comes to filling a high-security position, it pays to be as thorough as possible. When you are working with international business you want to make sure that you are looking up all the databases, spellings, and alphabets that are in play. Using services like NetOwl can turn up information that might have been missing from a cursory check.

Establish Security Processes and Protocols

Rules and guidelines that will allow for both new and existing employees to maintain a higher level of security can be a major asset. Familiarizing all new hires with your business’s security protocols and instructing them in their use is an essential step when onboarding a new employee.

Effective Training and Education

Initial security training efforts alone may not always be sufficient. Ongoing education may be required in order to provide your staff and associates with a refresher course or to educate them regarding new resources or emerging security threats. Assessing the impact of your training process and making any improvements that may be required can often be worthwhile.

Respond to Any Issues Without Delay

Failing to take security concerns seriously can be disastrous. Ensuring that all risks, issues and concerns are able to be identified and addressed promptly can make a world of difference. Instructing new employees to speak up and to report any situation that may be cause for concern would be to your advantage.

Staffing those positions that have access to sensitive account information or key assets and company resources is not something that should be rushed into. Finding and vetting the best applicants is only the start. Effective onboarding, the right policies and ongoing security training may all be required in order to keep your business as safe and secure as possible.
