Friday 07 March 2025

Charity food drives organized by Walmart for their employees

The store of Walmart in northern Ohio is even holding the holiday food drive which gives benefit their employees. The announcement of charity comes after mega-store mentioned that it will open on the holiday of Thanksgiving and during this time when the low-pay US workers are also protesting for the high level of wages.

You can easily read the sign which is placed on the 2 plastics bins in the area of employees of Canton, in Ohio Store, where the slogan says “Please donate the food products here so that associates can also enjoy the dinner of Thanksgiving.” Moreover, the photo of bins has speedily gone viral, enraging the potential customers and also by creating the nightmare of public relations for the corporation which has seen their share.

Critics also have charged that food drive is more indication that Walmart, which is the leading and popular brands of America, must pay more to their workers. The CEO and president of company, Bill Simon, recently acknowledged that many associates of Walmart about one million make less than about $25,000 every year – not giving much space for those who want to stay above the level of federal poverty of about $23,550 for every family having 4 members.

Norma Mills, the organizer for group of anti-foreclosure stood Up for the Ohio and told Plain-Dealer of Cleveland that she felt “outrage” and “anger” on seeing the picture of these bins. However, Kory Lundberg, the spokesman of Walmart Company said that food drive shows that just how much employees are eager to do for each other.

The spokesperson, Kory Lundberg also said that “It is for the associates who had few hardships and sufferings coming up their way. Possibly their spouse have lost the job,” he said. “It is a part of the culture of company to rally all around the associates and also to take care of them while they are facing extreme level of hardships and difficulties.”

This day of Thanksgiving will certainly mark one year of the demonstrations which will be against Walmart, with the protests taking place all through the US previous year on the Black Friday. This company has also been suspect of paying the employees very little, being quite slow to correct the insecure working conditions, and also retaliating all against the employees who will speak out. One of the Ohio employee, saying anonymously about the fear of losing the job, told Plain-Dealer that she never seen anything to be “demoralizing” in her working life in this store.

