Monday 28 October 2024

Customising Your Park Home

Customising Your Park Home

Customising a dream house; we all aspire to have more than enough money stored away to fund such a luxury. However, you don’t have to be a millionaire to turn this dream into a reality. Completely revamping a semi-detached house may prove to be a costly venture, but what if you could design your own house from scratch? A space tailored completely to your own wants and needs.

Built in manufacturing plant conditions, a park house is timber framed on a steel chassis, insulated and clad on the skin, below a pitched covered roof. Park homes area unit double glazed, have ancient gas pink-slipped heating via radiators, escort totally fitted luxury kitchens and loos, fitted article of furniture, totally carpeted with matching curtains and in several cases totally furnished with.

Well, through park living you can do exactly that.

Park living offers a free warden to maintain the space, a cost-effective way of living and a thriving community, but residents are also swayed by the option of designing their new park homes. The concept of designing your own house is admittedly quite daunting, though. There’s a slight sense of once something has been put in place, it can’t be adjusted; it’s there to stay. If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed about this prospect, just remember the following:

Inspiration – You may want to be original with your design, but viewing a few examples of well designed rooms won’t do you any harm. Along with anything you’ve found online that could be replicated, perhaps ask a park home estate agent to show you a few pictures of completed park homes as well. Note down all of your desired elements and ideas before sitting down with an agent.

Sunlight – Positioning windows needn’t be the sum of all fears – you just need to consider where you’re likely to sit down. Some will place a frame beside their eating space for the ultimate wake up call, while others will have it overlooking their sink (the washing up never seeming so appealing). Pick your spot carefully and always consult with a park home manufacturer.

Light switches – Unfortunately, that sunlight won’t stay out forever. In the evening you’ll need to light up the space and your switches should all be easily accessible. Most will place them right by doors, but do take into consideration where your most useful spaces are likely to be. Furthermore, always consider your lighting scheme and the placement of furniture before organising your fittings.

Bedrooms – Pick the most isolated spots for your bedrooms. These will usually be at the back of the house and as far away from the lounge as possible. This should be made a priority if your partner likes to wind down with a spot of TV or radio, for obvious reasons.