Thursday 09 January 2025

Developing Your First Indie Game? 4 Mistakes You’ll Want to Avoid

Taking the first few steps as an indie game developer may be among the most exciting moments in your life, but it’s usually one of the most exhausting and challenging times as well. Independent software development, especially in the gaming and entertainment industry, is rife with potential pit-falls and rookie errors that can cripple new endeavors. Anyone who is serious about making a successful indie game should be aware of the most common mistakes and how to avoid them.

Going Big too Fast

Thanks to their ongoing and changeable nature, some video games offer hundreds of hours of unique experiences and immersion in an expanding digital environment. It’s easy for indie developers to get caught up in the excitement and desire to compete with established titles by overdoing it right off the bat. These worlds take time to create and unfold, so it’s important to establish realistic goals and work towards each step in a sensible progression.

Failing to Build a Team

Being an independent developer doesn’t necessarily mean going it alone. While many games start with an extremely small team or individual at the helm, it’s only a matter of time before the responsibilities are too much for one person to handle. As game development proceeds, expect to bring on other talented individuals to push the product to the next level. On-boarding people with specialized talent, like marketing or graphic design, can significantly ease the burden on the developers.

Fixating on Details

Many indie developers want to make the perfect game that appeals to a wide audience and fulfills their personal vision for digital entertainment. Unfortunately, perfectionism can be a disruptive and destructive mentality. Experienced game developers understand that sometimes you have to be willing to compromise and accept that some ideas won’t work or aren’t appropriate for a particular title. Cramming a bunch of great ideas into a single game isn’t always the best plan.

Handling Payments Internally

While many indie games are born from a genuine love of digital entertainment and adventure, most makers are also hoping for an eventual payout from purchases and in-game transactions. However, creating the digital infrastructure and safeguards needed to process payments can be a time-consuming nightmare. That’s why some developers turn to established mobile game payment software solutions to handle transactions in a simple and secure way.

Every developer makes mistakes and misjudgments, so don’t let these risks stop you from trying. The most important thing for the development of any indie game is feedback, consistent self-improvement and long-term planning. Developers who are mindful of the challenges and opportunities are positioned to succeed and eventually exceed even their own expectations.
