Monday 28 October 2024

Guaranteeing Your SEO Expert’s Credibility

Guaranteeing Your SEO Expert’s Credibility

Montreal’s SEO Expert, Herman Tumurcuoglu is beyond tired of hearing of cases of individuals that have been screwed with SEO and reverse SEO services. Time and time again, professionals and businesses are scammed with “self-proclaimed” SEO expert services that never work, are a waste of money, and can even make their online reputations worse than when they started. To protect yourself, it is important that you go into meeting prepared to ask difficult questions. By doing your research with any product or service, you can guarantee that you will not be screwed.

Here are some key questions to ask your potential future SEO Expert:

Testimonials – having a face-to-face testimonial with past or current clients puts the company’s work into perspective. If they refuse, the company is not proud or successful enough in their work to showcase it. Additionally, request to see the search engine results (usually companies take a screenshot and put it in the contract) before and after the work was done. Was there a change? How big was the change? Did it improve the sales, the revenue, the opportunities, or the image of the product, service, or individual?

Transparency – SEO Experts should be open to discussing their methods and strategies openly. You should be able to know what’s going on every step of the way because it is your online reputation that is on the line. Additionally, you should be able understand the steps and understand the risks in taking those steps. All SEO and reverse SEO strategies include some risk. You should get a say.

There are many other factors that should be considered in a consultation that professionals and businesses should ask when they are consulting an SEO Expert. Ask for guarantees and money back options, timelines, reporting and how you will be kept up to date, credibility and accountability proof, proof of information confidentiality, terms and conditions of the contract, what do and do not have say in, and what happens at the end of an SEO contract. If you do not get access to all the assets the SEO Expert created including passwords, they are not the company for you.

For more information about reliable SEO advice and service, contact Montreal SEO Expert Herman Tumurcuoglu using the link provided above.
