Tuesday 28 January 2025

Hair Care Routine For Smooth and Manageable Strands

hair care routine for smooth manageable strands

We almost ignore ourselves in our rushing lifestyle, which is unhealthy for us. Be it skincare or hair care, we often find it challenging due to limited time. However, if you keep yourself healthy, you will feel more confident and attractive. We don’t want to discriminate or dishearten anyone here, but healthy hair gives you more stylish looks. You can easily get them if you start creating a hair care routine and follow it generously. The good part is that your hair doesn’t need attention every day and you can give them the best care once or twice a week. That’s it.

Start with Developing a routine by knowing your Hair Type

Each person has different skin and hair types. If you wish to take good care of your tresses, you should know them. Go a few days with natural hair, we mean you should not use any products and observe their tendencies. You may see the change in your hair, as they become-

  • Oily
  • Dry
  • Normal
  • Wavy
  • Straight
  • Curly
  • Thick
  • Fine

So, once you discover your hair type, treat them accordingly. Never follow your friend’s suggestion as he/she may have different hair type than yours.

Wash your Hair when it is necessary

While there is a belief that you must wash your hair after every two or three days, Private label hair care products manufacturers suggest you follow your observation. You can wash your hair after four days as well. It depends on your hair type and frequency of exposure to the environment. People working from home can wash their hair once a week as they require. Just make sure they don’t look dirty or greasy.

  • Dry hair should be washed every third or fourth day
  • Oily hair should be washed alternate day or every two days as per the need
  • Normal hair should be washed every third day

Tip- There is no such formula that tells you how much you should wash your hair. Just notice your strands and wash them when you feel them greasy or dirty. Excessive shampooing may damage your hair and make them super dry. You can even face hair fall issues.

Replace Hot Water Bucket with Lukewarm Water Bucket

If you don’t want scalp problems like dandruff, avoid washing your hair with hot water. It’s because hot water tends to strip the protective layer of oils from your tresses. You can use lukewarm water instead to prevent the loss of these oils and make them look dull and dry.

Use Wide-tooth Comb on Your Wet Hair

You may find it good to run a brush through your wet hair since it detangles the tresses faster. But, you will damage your hair if you do so. You can detangle your tresses by replacing a brush with a wide-tooth comb for best results.

Avoid Hot Blow Hair Dryers

Blow dryers work best to dry hair, but the heat released from them can damage your hair follicles and make them dry. If possible, let your hair dry naturally or if you are in a hurry, you can adjust your blow hair drying setting to avoid heat.

Trim your Hair Regularly

Hair is prone to split end and thus, it is important to trim every three months to prevent split ends. If you find visiting a salon as an expensive deal, you can invest in scissors for your hair and do the trimming yourself. It is easy to trim the wet tresses as you can give them even ends.

Avoid dyes and Colors

Hair dye has numerous chemicals that can damage your scalp and hair. If you love coloring your hair and you are a frequent user of hair color than you should change it. Too much use of color may permanently damage your hair and you will end up with a short hair cut to get rid of the damaged hair. Don’t do that at first place- use hair color infrequently and protect your tresses from damage.

Your Hair need Sun Protection

Sun can damage your hair just like it does it to your skin. Excess sun exposure can make your hair dry. You require extra sun protection for colored tresses. If you are a traveling person and you are mostly outside for long periods, you can wear a hat or use hair spray with SPF protection.

Give Nature’s Love to Your Hair

Oil massage is a must thing for healthy hair. Give an overnight massage of any suitable oil to your hair for a month and see the change.

For shampoo, you can mix honey in your shampoo and it will work as a natural moisturizer for your hair. Your hair follicles will get stronger. Mix equal parts of shampoo and honey and rinse.

Lastly, take care of yourself. Eat a healthy diet full of essential fatty acids, vitamin B6, protein, folic acid, iron and calcium.