Friday 14 March 2025

How professional roofer deal with the putty technique for roofing?


The choice of materials for a flat roof is not as wide. This is a classic material for roofs or modern roll materials. If in the first case the work is quite laborious and difficult, in the second it is expensive, which requires the use of special equipment. In this context, the uses of bituminous putty to waterproof the Asphalt Shingles seem very advantageous. It is easy to apply, creates a monolithic layer and, to work with it, you need a minimum set of tools.

Ceiling putty properties

The mastic roof is produced on the basis of bitumen, but with the addition of several related components. It is a liquid mass with a high viscosity of black and a strong odor. It is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the roof roller with a long handle or brush as a base coat. Or use for repair, putting in separate places.

This is important to keep in mind, since in most cases it is necessary to apply it in several layers, allowing the previous one to dry completely. Depending on the thickness of the applied layer, after drying, a durable and elastic film of 4 to 6 mm thickness is obtained. It is resistant to mechanical damage, resistant to frost and does not leave moisture.

Why this technique?

Bituminous Ceiling Putty is an excellent choice for garages and any other building that has a roof slope of no more than 30 degrees. Since this is the only restriction in your application. It does not matter how well a flat roof is made, it has convexities and grooves in the surface. In these places, the layer of putty should be thicker, since over time, water will accumulate there, gradually destroying the coating.

Types of putty for ceilings

The market is represented by the bituminous putty of several dozen manufacturers. All of them are similar in composition and are in roughly the same price category. Bituminous putty is divided into several types, depending on the composition and the purpose.

Polymer ceiling putty: It has a longer useful life. When applied, it forms a durable protective coating with high heat-resistant performance and elastic at high and low temperatures. They are used for wood, concrete or metal. Bituminous putty is used when you want to create a high quality insulation or as the main layer. It is not suitable for partial repairs.

Putty of bituminous latex: It has a shorter drying time, which is especially important during repair work. It has good adhesion to almost all types of covers. It supports high temperatures and does not melt. Numerous tests have shown that the latex bituminous coating does not pass water, is resistant to extreme temperatures and exposure to UV rays.
