Thursday 02 January 2025

How To Make An AMAZING Web Design

One has to juggle so many things when designing a website, starting from the expectations of the many stakeholders to the money that will be spent on the project itself. By keeping in mind the expectations of too many people, it is easy for the designer to hit hindrances that can prevent the website from becoming successful.

What follow, are a tips and things that can help with the development and creation of a company website. Simple tricks, tips and general shortcuts will go a long way to make a website or break it.

Use Subtle Coloring

The best color to stick to and go with, is grey. Not because it is dull, rather because it a shade that is often associated with success and professionalism. Turn the page into an inviting greyscale and slowly start adding designs, pictures and add the color scheme that will complement the website, not make it flashy.


One of the first things people will notice when they look at the website is whether or not the font is legible. If it is too small, too big or too fancy, chances are that visitors will not stay for long. Keeping the font readable adds to the visual appeal of the website. And if the font matches the font used on the company’s professional documents then it means that it will exhibit attention to detail, which visitors and clients will appreciate.


It might seem like giving the viewers of the website little options is a bad thing, but in the end, it will help. By giving them too many options, a website will end up wasting a lot of time and content. Smaller, more precise information and guidance to the content that boasts the best a company has to offer will make it more productive. By adding too many links, a designer can easily overwhelm a website with too much useless information

Use Nature as an Inspiration

It is rather surprising how well nature and her colors match. If the layout and colors of a website cannot be chosen, simply take a picture from nature, pick the colors from there and use those. It never goes wrong.

Plan off the Computer

Start off by making the designs of the website on paper. Use a whiteboard and step away from the computer. It is easier to come up with original ideas and layouts once the options available on the internet stop. It is easier to work with a whiteboard and marker, too, creating designs until the correct one is chosen. Then a simple picture will help with working on screen.

One of the best ways to find out what the most prominent things in a website are, is to step back and squint. This is reveal what images will stay in the mind of the visitor after they have left the website and which ones will not. Applying this tactic is a good idea and will help web designers give the best possible layout. A website is the representative of the company itself. It is important to make it show people what the company is about and what it produces.

Scott Heron has been known for his work in website design Edinburgh. For more on how to build the best websites possible, go to
