Introducing Google’s Play Music app
Another milestone for Google as it finally has launched its Google Play Music free app that allows users to stream a monster amount of music. The mobile music app allows for people with the Apple iOS to have as much music as their heart’s content. Users can stream millions of songs and not only that they can make their own customized radio stations. Not to be confused with iTunes Radio and Pandora. If they want to listen to their own music collections, users can upload upwards of 20,000 of their own songs to the Google music cloud service and then be able to access them on other devices.
Stalled since last May when the company originally wanted it released this makes up for it all. Called Google Music All Access has the ability to download tracks locally from a wireless signal. There’s also the All Access pay for service with a 30 day free trial and after that $10 per month to join. With this new service Google has upped the ante in the cloud and streaming of music. This is a monster. No one could listen to all this music in a lifetime but the implications are astonishing. From pop to classical, users will be able to listen to works recorded for over the past 100 years or more and their variations.
Jazz, as the longest running music venues have so much to offer
That just listening to the various versions of one song could take days or weeks. Broadway tunes the same. With dozens of artists giving their renditions of these popular songs one could have a massive library of versions of one song until they’re up to their ears in it. Classical music gets a step up as renditions of Beethoven’s works alone number in the thousands. Add to that the thousands of songs coming from today’s bands means that with this Google app one could get all the new music and try to listen to them all night and day.
Being on the go with this app means that your favorite tunes will be a click away. Whether one is out jogging or shopping or out in the woods hiking, that favorite song or tune is available easily. The monthly subscription fee might be a turnoff though because so many companies now ask for subscriptions one’s budget can’t meet it. Along with the cost of a Smartphone, cable at home and other things, the costs can add up. Maybe Google will drop the price but unlikely. This app is free and the potential is astounding.