
Know This Before You Choose Between Magento 2 Community and Enterprise Edition

Know This Before You Choose Between Magento 2 Community and Enterprise Edition

The Magento merchants today are compelled to move on to Magento 2 owing to addition of new features and also the community will not support earlier versions beyond November 2018. And, the merchants seeking for Magento are indecisive in choosing between Magento 2 Community Edition (CE) and the Enterprise Edition (EE).

Some of the questions put forward by these merchants with their Magento Development Agency members are: 

Before concluding with answers for these questions, let us understand the basic and important features of the two versions. When we know its benefits and differences, it would be easier to make an informed choice.

Distinct features of Magento 2 Community Edition:

Distinct Features of Magento 2 Enterprise Edition:

Moving forward, the license cost for Magento EE works on the revenue model. One has to pay depending on the earnings of the business. When the earnings are more, then a less percentage of revenue is charged, which is indeed a competitive license cost. This model is suitable for big merchants. And, CE is suitable for medium sized businesses.

In conclusion, Magento 2 provides out of the box functionality. Most of the features are in-built in EE whereas it could be extended by integrating third party extensions in case of CE. Apart from the version features, the other aspects to be taken into account include the ability of investment cost; technical background to solve programming issues, and/or the functionality the e-commerce may need.

If the business is small-sized and requires simple features, the Community Edition meets the demand effectively. And, needless to say, if the business is big with scope for scalability, has to meet complex requirements such as different ERP, multi-webstores, and, so forth, then Magento Enterprise Edition will be the best and right choice. In addition, Magento app development is also recommended to meet the millennial generation’s demand as they are more inclined to use of smartphones.

With this information about the versions, and a complete understanding of the business, it is recommended to opt for the Magento 2 versions for the business to gain popularity and an increased ROI.

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