Monday 27 January 2025

Home Office Design Ideas For Fresh Start In 2016

Whether due to the fact that people have more free time to assess their previous 365 days and see what was good and what not, or simply because January makes the perfect starting point for fresh approaches, New Year resolutions sometimes surprisingly do work. So, if you wanted to introduce some fresh air into your home office space and make it more vibrant, and productive, do not wait for the February and let the New Year’s spirit wear off. Here are few office re-arrangement ideas for the fresh start of 2016.

De-Clutter the Office

The amount of clutter in each office largely depends of each employee’s personal habits, but because de-cluttering is absolutely necessary for any kind of office renovation to work, some universal approaches are needed. For the start, offices should be, whenever possible, spared of useless paper, and feature more practical digital documents instead. Furthermore, available storage space should be upgraded with smaller labelled containers to make everything organized, and easily accessible.

Get the Grip of the Colours

Different colours make different impressions on different people. That, of course, does not mean that your office space should play to absolutely everyone desires, but more that you will have to find the solution which will please everyone to some degree instead. Do that by giving your office fresh, clean feeling by painting its walls, and larger pieces (e.g. shelves) in neutral colours. Then you can look for some more vibrant options and use them as accent colours on desks, chairs, and smaller items.

Take Care of the Furniture

Home Office Design Ideas For Fresh Start In 2016

Furniture, arguably, makes the most important part of any home, so here are few things you should pay attention to if you want to shake up things in this department. You should consider different choices when choosing office furniture. Unlike the living room set-up which requires comfort, office furniture, on the other hand,  is all about:

  • Size – Large pieces are one of the essential prerequisites for making some space less cluttered, so you should always aim for more, but not to the point where you will make office cramped and hurt the productivity instead.

  • Functionality – Finding new office furniture in Sidney is easy, but finding the piece which will provide enough storage, be functional, and play well with other pieces is something entirely different. Be sure to check all of those things before spending money.

  • Conformability – Sitting too much is already hard, so there is no need to make it even harder with uncomfortable chairs.

Create Various “Hubs”

The old concept of office where everyone is siting behind their desks and quietly doing their jobs is obsolete, and today’s trends require more fluidity. Is there any better way to achieve that than by creating several different hubs, made for different purposes, where workers are able to satisfy their current needs? If they need silence, they can resort to the “quiet hub”, if they need to relax, they can move onto sofa, and if they need help they can always move to the area, where workers are hanging together.

Make Home Office More Personal

People spend much time at their home office. Maybe too much. That is why it is so essential that they feel comfortable but concentrated. Feeling at home sometimes means having a place for a pet, or huge panel where someone can hang family photos. These upgrades are relatively inexpensive, but they can affect how some office “feels” immensely. Other people, however, more appreciate when their home office looks more like a regular one so they don’t get distracted from their work.

Those were a few ideas that can be applied almost everywhere, from home offices to large corporate spaces. We hope that you will find something suitable for you or your employees, or come up with some idea of your own, and start this long year on the right foot.