
Power Transformers Exporters Share Some Tips For Saving Energy

The best way to save power electricity is to be smart and make judicial use of electricity. Power transformers exporters bring several useful tips that will help you in cutting cost of electricity bill and saving power electricity resource for future. You can follow these tips and adopt in your routine practice to save $500 or more every year, depending on numerous factors even the size of your home.

There is no point of running the fan in an empty room where no one is present. It is better to switch off the lights of the room when you leave.

Unnecessary lights are a big cause behind huge electricity bills. You can save a lot while switching off these extra lights at your place.

A single south facing window has capacity to illuminate 20-100 times its area. When you switch off your 60 watt bulb for four hours every day, you save about $9 each year.

It is better at times to switch off the ceiling lights and use table lamps, under counter lights and track lighting in work and hobby areas and in kitchens. This will save your $6 per year.

Hot water bath is expensive. If you cut the shower time by a minute, you can save $15 each year. Excess of hot water will make your skin dry too.

This will reduce your hot water usage by 5% and you could save $21.

You can save up to $33 each year in energy costs by fixing a hot water leak in the faucet.

Standby power can consume 10% of an average household annual power electricity use. It is always better to pull out the cable of your microwave, laptop charger, TV, and other things that are not in use.

If you can work on laptop then buy one and stop using old desktop. Desktop consume more power electricity.

Your old TV consumes a lot of electricity. Even if you are using it an hour every day, that 42” LCD will cost you $8 each year.

Follow these tips and adopt them in your routine practice. Ask for more of such tips from Power transformers exporters and get instant expert assistance. Don’t forget to feedback for this story. Tell other readers how you feel about conserving electricity.

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