
Succession Planning – An Overview

Succession planning is a process of identifying and developing the right leaders who can replace the senior leaders. It is a very important decision taken by the company which determines the success or failure of a company. It increases the availability of people who can be a replacement for senior employees. This is a very long process and if done in a short term might result in the failure of the company. Whenever the management team has a meeting on succession planning, they consider those candidates who can fit in the criteria. They should match the qualification, creativity, hard work, intelligence, ambition, and experience of the senior employees. All these parameters are important to determine the apt successor.

The whole process of succession strategy can be explained easily. A company has an employee who is retiring. To fill in the position of that employee, another employee is taken into consideration that has the same experience, qualification, knowledge, and dedication towards work. When the other employee retires, this employee fills in his shoes. This is what succession strategy is all about.

This article will give an overview of succession planning. Below are some of the things which should be considered while doing succession planning?

The first thing to be considered is the key positions in the company which needs to be filled. These are the critical positions and hence, the company needs the best people to fill it. The succession strategy should be put up by keeping in mind that the successors should fill up the positions for a longer duration. The positions should be filled based on the impact it has on the growth of the company.

It is necessary to review the requirements of the position which is to be filled. This can be done by finding out the key positions and key actions which is carried on a day-to-day basis by the people who worked in the senior posts. Then, based on their work a list of requirements can be made. This list will be used to enrol the employees who are suitable as successors for the required position.

During planning out the succession strategy it is necessary to analyse the gaps in the performance and expectation which an organization faces in the present or might face in the future. The next step would be to identify the positions which will cause this gap. Once, the position which creates the gap has been identified, then the necessary steps can be taken to resolve this problem without any hassle.

Whatever information is gathered through the previous steps should be written down. This will make it easier to keep in mind all the important facts. Based on this, a plan is eventually developed and the next step is taken in the strategy. This is called succession planning in most cases.

Once you are clear with the plan, the next step is to implement the succession strategy. Before implementing the strategy, it is important to keep in mind that the decision taken by management will affect the whole organization. Either it will reap positive results or negative results based on the capabilities of the successor. If the organization has time, say 2-3 years before carrying out this strategy, then they can train the potential employees so that the successor employees will be able to handle the post in future. Both the things can be considered and then the decision can be taken whether to implement the strategy immediately or later.

As it is clear, this strategy will definitely have many benefits as it helps in the growth of an organization. Some of the major benefits are mentioned below.

These benefits make the succession planning very effective. The article should have provided an an idea about the succession planning strategy.

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