Sunday 08 September 2024

The Must-Have Features of Secure File Transfer Solutions

The Must-Have Features of Secure File Transfer Solutions

Among the various functions and considerations that have gained increased importance for business enterprises over the years, secure file transfer happens to be on top of the list. A major reason why the hassle-free transfer of files has become so impending for not just businesses but also individuals is the increase in the value of data in general. While business information has always been critical, the rise of big data analytics, business intelligence and other IT services have substantially increased the value of business critical data and information.

Now, it has become imperative for businesses to look for the best secure file transfer solution. As such, several apps and platforms for Android and iOS have come to market in the recent years, enabling an effective transfer of files without any kind of loss or damage whatsoever. Now, before you entrust an app with all your business data, here is a list of the attributes/features that an efficient file transfer app must have.

Encrypts Data both in Motion and At Rest

The app should ideally encrypt the data in motion because that is the only way of protecting the confidentiality of the data when it passes over insecure networks. The data-in-motion encryption technologies render texts that are unreadable for the would-be criminal hackers looking for an opportunity. Secondly, on either side of the transmission, when the data has reached its destination, the data must remain protected. Thus, encryption must be implemented here too when the data is at rest.An app should protect the files through encrypted online storage, thereby, preventing the hackers in obtaining information even if they, by any chance, get a hold of the hard disk or mobile device.

Maintains the Integrity of the Data

Data integrity is important because preserving the large volumes of data is as essential as maintaining the confidentiality of the same. The app or system should have the potential and the capability to detect and eventually prevent any unauthorized modifications that come forth.

Offers Multiple Access Control Mechanisms

Normally, file transfer solutions require users to enter a username and password before granting access. If the username or password is not registered on the server, the user will be denied access. For added security, some solutions are equipped with an IP-based access control mechanism. If the IP address of the client requesting a connection is not in the server’s list, access will be denied for that particular client. This kind of access control mechanism enables restriction of access from addresses that are considered insecure.

Accepts Strong Password Only

To mitigate risks involving passwords, your file transfer system should accept and at times, force you to adopt strong passwords only. Enforcing strong passwords is vital to achieving regulatory compliance and,thereby, maintains the security of data, irrespective of whether they are being transferred.

As a pre-qualifying list, keep the above points in mind and choose your file transfer app/system with care so that your business data remains absolutely safe.
