Sunday 16 March 2025

The Palm Of Their Hands: 4 Tips For Mobile Marketing

According to Fortune, the current flock of shoppers doing most of their purchasing on the Internet is growing at an incredible rate, and if you are part of the multitude, then you, like most consumers are relying on mobile devices to juggle communications, tasks, interests, dates and possibly a job just to name a few things. In addition to smaller, thinner laptops, users are also relying more on their tablets, smartphones and even their smart watches to consume information, process it and relay it on.

Since the mobile platform has now begun to overshadow desktops at an alarming rate, the whole approach taken to marketing all things mobile has completely changed since it use to be mobile against desktops and landlines. The strategy is still an old formula though, but it works just like it always has. Marketers do their best to connect with their target audience, which is you, and they attempt to build the important consumer relationships, and they attempt to adapt their marketing strategy and themselves to the digital age. If you are one of those marketers and plan on having a successful 2017 and 2018, these four key tips about mobile marketing are essential to you.

Make Sure Your Website is Mobile Friendly

In 2016, marketers had to learn the hard way about the mobile Internet, especially on smaller devices like tablets and smartphones. Consumers were having to do that annoying slide-pinch movement on their touch screen in order to zoom in on a word or focus on something important. Also, there were new SEO changes unveiled by Google in this Smart Insight read. This served as a motivator for most website developers to make sure their websites were mobile-friendly in terms of reading, navigation and loading speed. Now that 2017 is half over, you’ll be able to find a lot of resumes for the people who did not get their website optimized for mobile use. The marketers who did fix their mobile bugs are free to move up and parallel with improving, sophisticated mobile technology. Many companies like ACN Inc now have successful mobile marketing strategies.

Be Prolific with Bargains and Coupons

This generation of shoppers may be spending time picking things out on the Internet, but they also have an appreciation for the past. Your generation is combining retro themes and lifestyles with cutting edge technology. For example, a recent study found on Access Development’s blog shows nearly 100 percent of the consumers were cutting out coupons, printing them off or both. With knowledge of this popularity and how coupons work more often in the favor of the business, you should give your mobile audience incentives and put coupon coding into the mix to increase revenue. Remember, you have to combine modern techniques with retro marketing too, so let customers know about your deals by taking advantage of email and text-based push-notifications.

You Have to Make Mobile Payments an Option

The e-commerce revolution taught all of you marketers that people want a smooth, quick and easy transaction. It is something that will never go out of style either. The only way it could is if something came along that made transaction so fast and easy that it made the formerly beloved closeouts obsolete. Big name brands are now either stepping up to redo their checkout process into something easy, or cutting edge brands are trying to figure out how to make their easy process even smoother and