Wednesday 19 February 2025

Things to Know about Serological Monitoring of Poultry


According to an article published on, today, the majority of poultry farms provide antibiotics to chickens on a regular basis. Subsequently, it is not adequate to defend the birds but put into practice serological monitoring.

Serologic testing is an important tool used in the commercial poultry industry for diagnosis of disease and monitoring of flock health. However, the proper methods for serologic testing are often not understood. It is essential to know the uses and limitations of this procedure to ensure maximum benefit is realized. A distinction must be made between serologic testing for diagnostics and serologic testing for flock monitoring. When samples are submitted for serologic testing, the testing should be performed in the same laboratory, by the same test system, and by the same laboratory technician. Samples for testing should be randomly collected and representative of the flock.

Modern poultry farms walk the extra mile and spend much of their money, time, as well as effort to keep chickens fit and healthy. Most of these farms vaccinate these birds, using biosecurity programs to defend poultry from a range of diseases or conditions. You may ask how successful that protection is. These farms need to protect chicken and birds serologically to put into action an appropriate immunization program and work out how effectual the inoculation is. Keep reading this article to learn more.

Different kinds of serological tests

ELISA: This test is collectively recognized across the poultry sector. Moreover, it’s also believed as one of the most reliable serological scrutinizing tools. You will find commercial test kits for numerous bacterial as well as viral contagions in chickens. These include IB, IBD, ND, REO, AE, ALC, AI, Pasteurella, Mycoplasma, CAV, REV, Salmonella, and many more.

With ELISA, it’s possible to keep an eye on a large number of samples in addition to single-cell dilution antibodies against abundant agents.

Rapid Plate Agglutination test (RPA): These rapid tests are used to discover antibodies not in favor of Mycoplasma and several other Salmonella.

Agar gel precipitation test (AGP): It’s a straightforward way to identify or recognize antibodies against several viruses like Adenovirus, which is the leech virus, IBH, and also Marek’s disease virus.

How to improve inoculation programs

Serological testing is an indispensable tool to conclude the success of vaccination that helps in improving immunization efforts and programs concerning inoculation strains, including a booster, inoculation day, as well as modification in vaccination techniques.

It is essential to under stand titers prior to and three or four weeks post-inoculation to exhibit the real vaccination reaction. The aim of such inoculation programs is that it assists in accomplishing unfailing post-vaccine titer values for allinoculated chickens. Dependabletiters at the brink of defense indicate the best immunization.

The serological elucidationoutcomes depend on a gamut of factors like the kind of birds, usage of a test system, age, type and route of inoculationutilized, inoculation record, and the time post-inoculation.

Significance of serological monitoring

Once these birds or chickens inoculated or are vulnerable to any condition or disease, it responds by creating antibodies to defend these birds from distinct ailments or conditions. The serological development allows a producer ballpark the number of antibodies to any specific viral or for that matter bacterial antigen occurring in specific serum.

As far as serological tests are concerned, these are crucial for building immunization programs, keeping an eye on vaccination reaction, and recognizing field injections in poultry flocks. Thesedetailsacquiredareadvantageous that lets poultry farms to adopt and accept serological monitoring as a fundamental aspect of a defensive medication program for chicken.

Final words

It is a fact that pains taking serological testing helps poultry manufacturers with all essential details they need to be familiar with as well as cope with the health problems or concerns of chickens successfully. It results in better poultry business abundance, profitability, and effectiveness.
