Monday 28 October 2024

Unexpected Problems with WordPress Plugins

WordPress is clearly an impressive CMS and it is highly customizable. We will be able to many things from maintaining our site to building our list. WordPress is also known for its rich selection of plugins and because they are free, many website owners are encouraged to install many of them. Plugins are powerful, but it could cause concerns. We should be aware that the developer may not provide enough support for free plugins that they released in the past. If the plugin is obscure enough, we won’t know who to ask. The developer may no longer answer questions and there are very few people who use the plugin, so we can’t really share our experience.

If we are not sure about specific WordPress plugins, we may need to ditch them. Some big name marketers could also sell us a plugin and it turns out to be next to useless. They may refuse to return our money due to various reasons. The person may advertise how great the plugin is, but he is still unwilling to return the money, as if he will go bankrupt, only because he needs to return a few bucks. Perhaps, that’s how the person makes money, by selling garbage to uninformed WordPress users. Unfortunately, after this, we may haven’t gotten any wiser and it is possible that we will still be fooled by bad plugin developers. Eventually, we will find that a plugin that we have purchased collides with our current WordPress theme.

This could happen if we forget to test the plugin before purchasing it. It is important for us to purchase the plugin and if it causes problems, we should get our money back. However, there’s still a possibility that the vendor will simply ignore all of our requests, even if we are still in the 3-day money back guarantee period. Disputing the sale on PayPal could be a problem, because plugin isn’t a physical item.

It is clear that choosing the wrong plugin could waste our time. We may be very busy creating a specific marketing campaign with our WordPress blog. Running many plugins in the background could also cause our website to perform sluggishly. We could be left quite helpless because we will need to reconfigure our website and some of the key features of our website depend on the plugins that we have to remove. The problem with plugins is that they may not be tested properly and this could cause problems for consumers. Developers simply let users do the testing and because these plugins are mostly free, we can’t really complain.

It’s clear that we need to be quite sceptical about a plugin before we decide to rely on it. There could be features that are provided by a few or even only one plugin, so it could be difficult to avoid using it. We will need to perform various tests and make sure that the newly installed plugin won’t cause unnecessary problems.
