Sunday 16 March 2025

Water And Exercise: A Brief Note

You may have read many lines about water and exercise. Some people say you should never drink water while exercising and some say you must take some water before starting the exercise, and many others believe but what’s the right? Have quick look to know the right steps…

Hydration Helps

According to a survey of an American college, it is found that you need to drink water before, during and after exercise to maintain a level of healthy hydration. Target for 17 to 20 ounces a couple of hours before your workout and then 8 ounces 20 to 30 minutes before you start. While in motion, plan for 7 to 10 ounces for every 10 to 20 minutes of exercise and then cool down with 8 ounces within at least 30 minutes after a workout. Spending in a water bottle with measurement markings can help you ensure that you’re drinking enough.

Sports Specialties

If you follow the rules of fitness certification courses then you can get the fruitful results by your workout. According to rules, if you’re going to be working out for more than 60 minutes, a swig of water probably won’t cut it. That’s because your body loses sodium and potassium as well as water. This can cause issues like confusion, muscle cramps and even water intoxication (too much water and not enough sodium in the body). Though sports drinks are unnecessary for shorter workouts, long-distance running or sports games may require an electrolyte-based sports drink after an hour.

Water Loss Woes

Your body sweats to cool itself down during exertion, which means you lose water during a workout. Your body can lose more than a few liters of water during a one-hour period of exercise, so you’ll need to replace that water or face the effects of dehydration. Unquestionably, water isn’t the only nutrient you lose during exercise. Perspiration also contains both sodium and potassium, which can be a concern during longer periods of exertion, such as a marathon.


Dehydration Effects

If you believe skipping your water intake isn’t a big deal, think once again. Dehydration or dryness in the throat can occur when you neglect your hydration needs, leading to issues such as a loss of coordination, muscle fatigue, heat illness think confusion, cramps and exhaustion and helplessness to regulate your body temperature, all of which can affect your athletic performance and make you sick. According to an investigation, it is foundthat you can assess your level of hydration by examining urine output and color. It should be frequent and pale yellow. Infrequent urination and dark yellow urine indicate dehydration.


Getting a fittest and healthy body is everyone’s need and wish. Right? If you are also one of them, then just follow the right rules and get fruitful result. Try to never avoid water if you feel dehydration while exercising. And follow fitness certification course rules, and never drink too much water during a workout, though you can freely drink water after an hour.