
Your Step-By-Step Guide To SEO

Your Step-By-Step Guide To SEO

Search Engine Optimization, probably the hottest topics in the digital marketing industry. This is a necessary requirement if you wish to improve your page’s or site’s ranking on search engines. In a technical aspect, SEO can boost growth in the visibility of your content in organic search. There are two main types of SEO.

On page SEO

Mostly, technical people will relate to this since it looks at rankings from a development point of view. These are some key points.

Off Page SEO

It is commonly known as link building. The basic aim is to get other web pages link back to yours. This means the relevancy of your content is ranked on the search index, and ultimately on the search results. There are three types of link building techniques that are most effective.

Keyword Importance in SEO

A big myth about keyword stuffing is that the more frequently they occur, the better. Wrong! Doing this would hurt the ranking rather than improving them. Keywords should constitute 3-5 % of your entire article strength. Not just this, it should be placed strategically as well and well distributed throughout the article.  Fresh content with updated keywords is an ideal option and the best way to benefit is to post original content from time to time. The presence of keywords in meta description is a bonus.

User Experience on the website

It is often noted that a complex site does not yield good results. People tend to like simple and informative websites. Anything that makes a user search for something that he cannot find makes him lose interest. So you can use this website to learn how to make you improve the user experience on your websites.

This was all about Search Engine Optimization and the factors that affect the rankings of your page on the search engine results. So, make sure you implement them using the help of a professional SEO company and see your ranking improve in search! Do let us know what you think about it in the comments.

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